Overall, spaying and neutering are basic surgeries that provide a myriad of health benefits among other things, while also helping to increase the lifespan and quality of life for our pets, says a veterinarian in Bradenton, FL. These surgeries are crucial not only in the cycle of producing new animals but also bring great physical and behavioral benefits for the patient.
Spaying and Neutering
Also known as castration, the term neutering is the removal of a male animal’s testicles; Spaying (if you’ve never heard it before) refers to ovaries and uterus removed. Both are usually done under general anesthesia with a skilled veterinarian
Lowered Chances of Cancer and Infected Cells
Females: Spaying before maturity greatly reduces the risk of mammary tumor development, especially if done before their first heat cycle.
Males: Neutering removes the possibility of testicular cancer and declines the probability of prostate &neighboring problems such as prostatitis, and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
To Prevent Unwanted Pregnant
Pregnancy prevention averts the physical stress and risk of complications inherent in child-rearing, including dystocia or difficult birth, which could potentially have lethal consequences for the mother and her young.
Decreased levels of Hormonal Behaviors
In Females: Spaying avoids heat cycles that can lead to vocalization, change in behavior (yowling), irritability/restlessness, and increased frequency of urination
Males: Neutering can lower their testosterone-driven behaviors like territorial marking (spraying), mounting, and aggression toward other males.
Behavioral Benefits
- Decreased Aggression
A neutered male is less prone to aggression, not only towards other animals but also humans. Thus it becomes a more peaceful household with reduced chances of risking social interactions.
- Reduced Roaming
Unneutered males and females go on the prowl for a mating partner, leading to potential accidents or fights with other animals—or risk getting lost. Neutering and spaying diminish this instinct, which helps to keep pets safe at home.
- Spraying and Marking reduced
Intact males are more likely to use strong-smelling urine to mark their territory, an annoying habit for many pet parents.
- Enhanced attention and focus
Animals that have been spayed or neutered also have better attention and in some cases are easier to train as their mind isn’t pry to the next mate.
Spaying and neutering are responsible choices that come with multiple health benefits. What is clear from the data thus far is that we can significantly reduce the risks of many types of cancers and infections, decrease problematic behaviors, and help our animal companions to live greater quality lives for longer.