Lack of sexual desire is a common problem that affects many women, both young and old. It is a result of a variety of factors, including emotional, social and physical problems. There are a number of treatments available, including medication and talk therapy. These treatments can improve a person’s overall health and boost their sexual performance. A low libido can also lead to drug abuse. Taking the time to explore what’s causing your lack of desire with a men’s health clinic in St. Louis for ED can help you determine what your best options are.
The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health estimates that 10% of women have a hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Although the diagnostic definition is not fully consistent, a generalized lack of interest in sex is the most common symptom. The condition may be accompanied by a variety of other problems, including anxiety, depression and psychosis.
According to the National Institutes of Health, a person may be diagnosed with HSDD if their lack of interest in sex has a negative impact on their life. Treatments are available for HSDD, but the symptoms may be comorbid with other conditions. If your doctor is concerned, he or she will perform a full medical workup to rule out the underlying cause. They will then refer you to a sexual health specialist for further treatment.
HSDD is not an acquired disorder. It develops after normal functioning for some time. Some medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, can cause a reduction in sex drive. Other disorders, such as neurological diseases and cancer, can also reduce a person’s desire for sex. For men, lack of sex can be a symptom of decreased testosterone or hormonal deficiencies. In the event of these problems, a patient may benefit from hormone shots or creams.
Researchers have identified several physical and psychological causes of lack of libido. Stress, poor communication with a partner, anxiety, depression, overscheduling, cultural beliefs and media influences are among the psychosocial issues that can reduce a woman’s sex drive. Various medications, such as tadalafil and vardenafil, can be used to increase the desire of women. However, these drugs have their drawbacks.
HSDD can be treated through counseling, which can help people cope with their problems. Psychotherapists can offer cognitive behavioral therapy that helps people focus on the pleasure of sex rather than on its negative aspects. Talking to a therapist can also help with relationship issues and improve self-esteem. This is because the lack of sex is associated with depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Medications can also be used to combat these problems, such as tadalafil, bremelanotide and testosterone.
In addition to mental, physical and social factors, a person’s lifestyle can have a major influence on the desire for sex. Too much exercise, for example, can have a wide range of health consequences, while too little sleep can affect a person’s sex function. As with most disorders, the most effective treatments are tailored to each individual.
One study estimated that 16 million women over the age of 50 have a lack of sexual desire. Another found that 52.4% of menopausal women and 7.5% of older women had this symptom.
Visit “Paramount Men’s Medical Center
12400 Olive Blvd. Suite 402 St. Louis, MO 63141
Monday-Friday 9am-6pm