Cosmetic Surgery is a specialized field of medicine devoted to improving appearance through medical and cosmetic techniques. Cosmetic surgery is often performed on various parts of the body, including the face, breast, abdomen and even hands. The term “cosmetic” is often used to describe modern cosmetic procedures like weight loss, hair transplantation and breast augmentation. Cosmetic surgery is one of the fastest growing fields in medicine.
The term “cosmetic” describes any technique used to improve an aspect of human appearance for aesthetic reasons. The scope of cosmetic procedures is growing exponentially, making cosmetic surgery one of the most specialised subspecialties in modern medicine. Plastic surgery in Tampa, FL is classified as a surgical specialty based on the function of the surgical procedure. Some of the more common surgical specialisations are listed below.
Eyelid Surgery: This surgery involves the removal of excess fat and skin from the eyes. In many cases, the eye lids are skin and muscle sensitive and surgeons often perform eyelid reduction surgery to provide a more youthful appearance. Sometimes, cosmetic surgeons use lasers to help improve the shape of the eyes. Before performing any eyelid surgery, both the plastic surgeon and the patient must carefully consider their individual expectations.
Botox (R) and TCA (Tens) Treatments: These two cosmetic surgery procedures are also used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and unwanted body hair. Botox is an injectable product that relaxes muscles and reduces facial slackening. TCA or trichloroacetic acid is often used to treat hair growth on the scalp and eyebrows. These procedures are performed by specially trained dermatologists.
Eyelid or brow lift: A brow or eye lift is also commonly performed in Tampa. Many people are unhappy with their appearance and want to regain a younger look. Eyelid or brow lifts can reduce the deep lines and wrinkles around the eyes and also enhance the area behind the eyes. Patients who decide to undergo cosmetic surgery in Tampa may choose either a brow lift or eyelids lift.
Liposuction: Some people are overweight or obese and do not like the way that their stomachs hang or they have excess skin around their waist. In Tampa, there are a number of qualified plastic surgeons who can perform liposuction. Liposuction can be done under local or general anesthesia and usually leaves a small scar. Patients can expect to experience a number of benefits from plastic surgery – but plastic surgery procedures should always be preplanned to ensure a pleasant experience.